
Frequently asked question

Can I use 2 or more discount codes?

- Sometimes yes, but the maximum discount you can get is 15%, there are also promotional codes for free shipping, which can sometimes be combined with discounts.
- Our regular customers who reach a high level can sometimes increase their maximum discount limit to 20-25%
- Promo codes received from our trainers have the maximum discount, so they cannot be combined with other promo codes

What delivery options are available?

- Delivery is carried out by "Nova Poshta" company.
When registering an order, you must write all the data for delivery in the address field.
- You are given a choice from the presented options:
- Express delivery (dispatch within 24 hours) - up to 2 kg - 100 UAH.
Up to 10 kg - UAH 120.
- Standard delivery (sent within 3 days) - up to 2 kg - UAH 80.
Up to 10 kg - UAH 100.
- Independent (you can also pay for the order yourself at the branch)
- Free delivery (if you have a promo code or you have placed an order for more than UAH 1000)
By paying for delivery on the website, you save your time and simply pick up the order at the post office.

Important: "Nova Poshta" takes into account the volume weight of the product, not the actual weight!